2018 Fall Meeting

Date(s) - 09/24/2018
9:15 am - 2:00 pm

Our Shepherd Lutheran Church

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The Council of Lutheran Women’s 2018 Fall meeting will be held at Our
Shepherd Lutheran Church located at 1658 E. Lincoln Street, Birmingham, Michigan.  Registration begins at 9:15 a.m. with the meeting starting at 10:00 a.m.  Lunch will follow the meeting. The guest speakers will be Tim and Beth Heiney who have been missionaries to Africa since 1984. They will be returning to Northern Guinea under the Global Lutheran Outreach and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Guinea. You can learn more about the Heiney’s by clicking here.  There is also a short “trailer” with pictures of their work in Africa by clicking here.

To register please contact Marlene Gunnell at 586-778-4852 or email at marlene1@nullwowway.com by September 19th so our hostesses can plan accordingly.  Also attendees are encouraged to bring items for the organizations that we support.  Listings of items can be found under the “Opportunities for Participation” tab.